Wednesday, January 21, 2009

CO-INCIDENCES.. Is it so???

We say everything happens for a reason.. And that no event or activity takes place without a justification.. And that even the existence of an atom is due to a reason.. So what is this reason??
Why are we born in a particular home? Why do we have particular parents? Why cant we choose things on our will? Why do we get along with a few and not all? Is it all planned? Is this what we call "destiny"?? Don't we have any control over our lives? Can't we decide what OUR future should be?

The answer to all these questions are UNKNOWN! Therefore, to make ourselves feel intelligent and not feel embarrassed about not knowing the answers, we ( as always) take the easy way out by giving it a very convincing name... CO-INCIDENCE! But is it so?? Are we sure that anything we don't have an explanation for is sheer co-incidence? NO! Things that happen with and around us are not just a co-incidence. They have a motive.. Life gives us many signals. It implicitly offers.. It is us who have to understand those signals.. We have to realize that everything that happens has to happen and is "meant to" happen!

OK.. Let me start with this..

# Story No. 1 - This happened on the 21st of January 2009. I was returning from a friends place at night at around 10 and got down at the station. There weren't many rickshaws there. I tried catching one but none agreed. There was this guy standing who wanted to go to some place close to my house and apparently was on my way. When i finally found a rickshaw I offered to drop him. He agreed and sat in. We chatted a little and realized we've seen each other a couple of times before and even knew where the other lived. We became friends.

# Story No. 2 - When i was in the 9th grade.. i had participated in my annual day.. And there was a choreographer who we hardly interacted with.. We never exchanged numbers or spoke.. After the annual day we never met.. I then passed my school years and entered college.. Made friends.. And one of them got along really well with me.. Her birthday arrived and guess who i see there... My choreographer.. He turned out to be her brother.. We spoke like we knew each other since ages.. We met after that and chatted for 7 hours at a stretch and we're still very good friends.. BEAT THAT!

# Story No. 3 - I live in andheri and go to a college which is located in churchgate. Being in the 12th grade. I needed to join classes for my studies. It so happened that i had a friend who lived in kandivali and she told me about these tutors in borivali. I was kind of hesitant about the travel.. But eventually agreed to go see the teacher there. I loved the environment and without a second thought I agreed! I got along with my professors so well and bonded with them so strongly that when i wouldn't have class I would be eager to meet them. We're like a family today.

# Story No. 4 - The classes I just spoke about in the previous episode had arranged a trip for us to Goa. Even ex-students were welcome to the trip. There was this girl named Vidhi who accompanied us on the trip. Every little thing that had happened in her life had happened with me too. We shared the most amazing rapport on the trip. After the trip i also asked her to participate with me in a show. She used to come to classes often but we never bothered to know each other. It was like "things happen when they are meant to happen!" She knows my life history. We have the same choices, same preferences, similar priorities in life, same thinking, etc. etc. And I can go on! Today she is one of the closest friends i have and i don't consider this a co-incident because it feels so "meant to be!"

I could go on with my stories! I believe that nothing is unplanned. There is a reason why we meet someone, why we get along with some, why we feel comfortable with only a few, why we take certain decisions and why such uncertain things happen to us! If life was certain there wouldn't be any life in the certainties! We would know our future and react accordingly. We wouldn't grow and come across any new experiences. So the next time you say, "What A Co-incidence?" Think TWICE!! It may not be one. It could just be a signal of an unexpected surprise! Be unknown! Be prepared! Because you never know what you call a mere co-incidence could be the biggest turn in your life!

With Love,

(P.S.- All the stories are true!)

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abz said...
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